I can do all things through him who strengthens me.
Welcome, and thanks for visiting! The mission of the St. Martin of Tours Young Adult Ministry is to promote a deeper, continuously growing spirituality among young adults in order to make faith more meaningful and integrated in their everyday lives. Come and take part in a dynamic group of people, engaging in thoughtful discussion, prayer, and worship.
St. Martin of Tours Church
200 O'Connor Dr, San Jose, CA 95128 (map)
NEW! Download our Friendsgiving 2020 Cookbook!
Download the Resource Recommendations from our February 2020 Day Retreat, Never Knew Love Like This Before, or check out the event photos!
Photos from our 2019 Events.
SMYA thanks the Catholic Community Foundation of Santa Clara County for their generous grant support.
Valley Catholic article about the Young Adult Camping Trip.
Presentation Slides from our presentation (Tips to start and run a successful Young Adults Group).
Video Recording from Young Adult Discussion Night: Dating, Discernment and Living an Enriched Sacramental Married Life.
Short Q&A video.